"Children and Adolescents in the era of SmartScreens:
International Off-year Conference ECREA-CYM-TWG-2019.
Thursday 19th of September to Friday 20th
of September 2019,
Salamanca (near Madrid), Spain.
Información Conferencia
Temporary Working Group (TWG).
Los niños, niñas y adolescentes recurren cada vez más a los dispositivos de medios móviles y pantallas inteligentes, el teléfono inteligente en particular, en el hogar, en la escuela o en movimiento, para mantenerse en contacto con familiares y amigos, realizar actividades escolares y acceder a una variedad de contenidos y servicios de medios digitales. Incluyendo redes sociales, música, videos y juegos. El acceso a los medios móviles en todo momento y en cualquier lugar ha cambiado la vida cotidiana de los niños y adolescentes con posibles implicaciones en su socialización, patrones de consumo, comportamiento orientado a la escolarización, entre otros.
Esta conferencia quiere abordar estos temas tanto desde una perspectiva teórica como metodológica.
Damos la bienvenida a los estudios de caso y la investigación en los temas de la conferencia.
Haz clic aquí para "un clic en toda la información" .pdf-.
Acceptance of abstracts will be announced on the 15th of June 2019.
Abstracts to be sent via this link https://goo.gl/NYGPRd 500 to 600 words max for double blind peer review.
For logistical issues contact
info@childrenandsmartscreens.eu and/or fortega@usal.es
Temáticas: More specifically we welcome research from (though not exclusively) the following topics:
1. Role of mobile media in children´s and adolescents‘ at school, and in everyday life.
2. Methodological challenges of research on mobile media and Smartscreens
3. Teacher&Parental mediation and monitoring of mobile media use.
4. Impact of mobile media on children’s and adolescents’ social development and consumer behaviour.
5. Mobile media and children’s and adolescents’ risks, threats and opportunities.
6. Mobile media contents and activities, cultural and educational consumption: Games, Video, Music consumption, Education, Democracy, Social Interaction, Marketing-Publicity, new phenomena or old habits in new screens.
7. Uses and consumption of mobile media at "school" at "home" or "on the move", filling the gap between children use of Smartphones and Tablets at School, in itineris or Home, is there one?.
8. Regulation and protection of Children in mobile media devices, apps, social networks, and gaming activities, marketing,… and others.
9. Children´s approaches to opportunities, risks, safety, literacy, entertainment in Smartscreens and other devices.
10. Any other topics related to “Children, Youth and Media”, from a scientific perspective including, education, communication, arts and culture, psychological interaction, neuroscience, marketing and children,…
There will be two parallel sessions and expect a maximum of 80 individual presentations.
Key note Speakers:
Prof. Dr. Sonia Livingstone (LSE, London School of Economics, UK) 19th of September from 9:30 to 10:15 .
Prof. Dr. Antonio García-Jiménez (URJC, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain), 20th of September from 9:30 to 10:15 .
Early Bird (before the 16th of June 2019) Regular Registration (After the 16th of June 2019)
ECREA-Members 59€ (Early Bird) 70€ (Regular Registration)
Students-Phd Students & “Low Income Countries” 49€ (Early Bird) 55€ (Regular Registration)
Non-ECREA-Members 70€ (Early Bird) 80€ (Regular Registration)
Participants will be responsible for their own travel, accommodation and dinner expenses. Two lunch tickets will be provided for each registration, for Thursday and Friday Lunch.
There will be a Bank Account for payment issues and information will be provided in may 2019.
Host/Location: Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Salamanca,
Campus Unamuno, 37071,
Salamanca, Spain.
University of Salamanca, City of Salamanca at 200km from Madrid in direction Portugal.
See at URL: https://www.google.es/maps/@40.9647423,-5.662056,13z
The event will take place at the University of Salamanca, Faculty of Social Sciences, Salamanca (near Madrid), Spain.
Local organizer Prof. Dr. Félix Ortega, fortega@usal.es from the Department of Sociology and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, Salamanca University and
Prof. Dr. Patricia Nuñéz-Gómez , pnunezgo@ccinf.ucm.es from the Faculty of Information Sciences, University Complutense Madrid.
Organizing Committee: Laura Rodríguez Contreras, Javier Amores, Beatriz Ispierto, Diego Ramos, Diego Cachón, Iñigo Guerrero,...
Scientific Committee: Dr. Elisabeth Staaksrud (University of Oslo), Dr. Bieke Zaman, (UKLeuven), Dr. Juan José Igartua Perosanz, (USAL), Dr. Maria Marcos (USAL), Dr. Carlos Arcila Calderón (USAL),
Dr. Antonia Picornell-Lucas (USAL), Dr. Sara Serrate (USAL), Dr. María José Rodríguez-Conde (USAL),...
Abstracts to be sent via this link https://goo.gl/NYGPRd 500 to 600 words max for double blind peer review.
For logistical issues contact
info@childrenandsmartscreens.eu and/or fortega@usal.es
Temáticas: More specifically we welcome research from (though not exclusively) the following topics:
1. Role of mobile media in children´s and adolescents‘ at school, and in everyday life.
2. Methodological challenges of research on mobile media and Smartscreens
3. Teacher&Parental mediation and monitoring of mobile media use.
4. Impact of mobile media on children’s and adolescents’ social development and consumer behaviour.
5. Mobile media and children’s and adolescents’ risks, threats and opportunities.
6. Mobile media contents and activities, cultural and educational consumption: Games, Video, Music consumption, Education, Democracy, Social Interaction, Marketing-Publicity, new phenomena or old habits in new screens.
7. Uses and consumption of mobile media at "school" at "home" or "on the move", filling the gap between children use of Smartphones and Tablets at School, in itineris or Home, is there one?.
8. Regulation and protection of Children in mobile media devices, apps, social networks, and gaming activities, marketing,… and others.
9. Children´s approaches to opportunities, risks, safety, literacy, entertainment in Smartscreens and other devices.
10. Any other topics related to “Children, Youth and Media”, from a scientific perspective including, education, communication, arts and culture, psychological interaction, neuroscience, marketing and children,…
There will be two parallel sessions and expect a maximum of 80 individual presentations.
Key note Speakers:
Prof. Dr. Sonia Livingstone (LSE, London School of Economics, UK) 19th of September from 9:30 to 10:15 .
Prof. Dr. Antonio García-Jiménez (URJC, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain), 20th of September from 9:30 to 10:15 .
Early Bird (before the 16th of June 2019) Regular Registration (After the 16th of June 2019)
ECREA-Members 59€ (Early Bird) 70€ (Regular Registration)
Students-Phd Students & “Low Income Countries” 49€ (Early Bird) 55€ (Regular Registration)
Non-ECREA-Members 70€ (Early Bird) 80€ (Regular Registration)
Participants will be responsible for their own travel, accommodation and dinner expenses. Two lunch tickets will be provided for each registration, for Thursday and Friday Lunch.
There will be a Bank Account for payment issues and information will be provided in may 2019.
Host/Location: Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Salamanca,
Campus Unamuno, 37071,
Salamanca, Spain.
University of Salamanca, City of Salamanca at 200km from Madrid in direction Portugal.
See at URL: https://www.google.es/maps/@40.9647423,-5.662056,13z
The event will take place at the University of Salamanca, Faculty of Social Sciences, Salamanca (near Madrid), Spain.
Local organizer Prof. Dr. Félix Ortega, fortega@usal.es from the Department of Sociology and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, Salamanca University and
Prof. Dr. Patricia Nuñéz-Gómez , pnunezgo@ccinf.ucm.es from the Faculty of Information Sciences, University Complutense Madrid.
Organizing Committee: Laura Rodríguez Contreras, Javier Amores, Beatriz Ispierto, Diego Ramos, Diego Cachón, Iñigo Guerrero,...
Scientific Committee: Dr. Elisabeth Staaksrud (University of Oslo), Dr. Bieke Zaman, (UKLeuven), Dr. Juan José Igartua Perosanz, (USAL), Dr. Maria Marcos (USAL), Dr. Carlos Arcila Calderón (USAL),
Dr. Antonia Picornell-Lucas (USAL), Dr. Sara Serrate (USAL), Dr. María José Rodríguez-Conde (USAL),...
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