Infancia e Historia, 27 de marzo, Coloquio del Childism Institut

El patriarcado en forma de adultismo está profundamente arraigado en la historia. 
En una diversidad de épocas, lugares, culturas y sistemas sociales, la edad adulta 
(como la masculinidad, la blancura, el heterosexismo, etc.) 
ha llegado a representar una norma humana.

Childism Institute,
Wednesday March 27, 2024, 
9:00- 0:30 US Eastern Time
This colloquium is the beginning of a project that aims to develop children's readings of history that deconstruct their ingrained adultism or age biases and highlight the ways in which children and adults have sought the structural framework of children.

To  this end, the colloquium explores possible connections between historical research and a critical vision of infantilism. 
While historical research has paid increasing attention to the lived experiences, agency and voices of children, it also needs to examine the underlying structural norms by which children have been and are the first to be marginalized and/or empowered.
Program from here.

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